Having the ability to release trapped passengers from lifts within your premises is an essential part of your building and lift management. Choosing the right courses for your nominated staff can be confusing due to the differing terms used when releasing passengers from a lift. You may see courses or terms such as 'Lift Release Training', 'Lift Entrapment Training', 'Emergency Lift Release Training' and the Fire Brigade refer to it as 'Shut In Lift'. However, they all have the same objective, which is to release trapped passengers from a lift.
If this is the type of training you require, then Ascension Lift Solutions is the perfect place to start. We not only provide the theory and practical required to release passengers, but we also provide after training support. Our after training support is provided via our bespoke 'Lift release members page'. Once trained you will have access to our full training manuals and video demonstrations reminding you of the key aspects of passenger release. All trained staff have their own Ascension Lift Solutions login to access this material, which is downloadable in PDF form.
Our course is designed to teach the nominated staff within your business to carry out the safe release of trapped lift passengers. Once trained they can be chosen as the authorised personnel within your business to release trapped passengers. The Ascension Lift Solutions course provides the training, competence and confidence to rescue passengers trapped in a lift. This is all in accordance with BS7255:2023 Safe Working on Lifts, HTM08-2 Healthcare requirements relevant to passenger release, and other relevant guidance under LOLER and BS EN13015.
Why have passenger release training?
Being trapped in a lift can be an uncomfortable experience, and extremely inconvenient. Complications can arise if the lift passenger release takes longer than anticipated. Especially, if the trapped passengers are:
So what guidance is there? What is the legal background? What does the lift industry association say?
Under LOLER and BS EN13015 2001 +A1 2008 lift owner/operators have specific legal obligations. Namely, to ensure arrangements are in place to enable the safe release of trapped lift passengers.
Regulation 5(1)(d) of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) requires employers to ensure that any person trapped in a carrier (e.g. lift car) is not exposed to danger and can be freed. By following the Approved Code of Practice, a duty holder would be considered to be complying with the law by having a reliable means of rescue and that persons trapped within a carrier are not exposed to risk.
The Lift And Escalator Industry Association (LEIA) have guidance on passenger release. The client/ lift owner should understand that:
What does the Health and Safety Executive [HSE] have to say about lift passenger release training?
The HSE cites BS7255:2023 Safe Working on Lifts as the approved code of practice that contains the requirements relevant to release procedures and provisions. It states the training provided should be in accordance with the standards and guidance provided within BS7255:2023.
BS7255:2023 Safe Working On Lifts
Clause 4 within BS 7255:2023 list the responsibilities of the building owner when it comes to managing lifts, and authorised personnel who may interact with lifts.
Means should be put in place to facilitate the safe release of trapped passengers. The owner should ensure that only trained and authorised persons undertake the release of passengers trapped in a car. If these persons are trained in release procedures, such training should be carried out on a regular basis to guarantee those involved know exactly what they should do to avoid injury to themselves and trapped passengers. The release of passengers should be carried out only by authorised persons, who have received the necessary training because it is dangerous for any other persons to attempt to do so.
It is also recommended in BS7255:2023 that the competence of those trained is assessed and documented annually.
Our course overview:
Our course learnings and outcome:
Our training takes place on your premises so that candidates learn to operate your lift equipment and feel comfortable and confident in passenger release. At the end of the course, candidates will have a good understanding of how a lift operates, and be able to safely rescue passengers who are trapped in a lift. Our training takes approximately 4 hours depending of the number of delegates and the type of equipment on site.
Once the training has been completed a certificate of lift release competency is provided, along with access to our passenger release members page, which contains a comprehensive training manual. Our members page is always developing with updated training videos being added, this allows candidates to review some of the key points from the training.
If you wish to find out more about passenger release, then please contact us through our contact page and we'll be happy to help
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